Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Evan's 1st Birthday Party!

Sorry it has taken me so long to update on the party, but we have been busy little bees with Christmas and everything else. Evan really had a very special 1st birthday party surrounded by lots of family and friends. He is so lucky to have been born into both of our families and to be surrounded by so many people that love him. He is truly a blessing to Jimmy and I and we are so proud to be his parents. Here are some pics from the party, Enjoy!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Evan's 1!!!!

So our sweet little boy turned one on Wednesday! I'm still in total shock that he is one already. When I look back at baby pictures, it amazes me how much he has changed and grown. About 8:30 Tues night, Jimmy and I reminisced about where we were and what we were going through last year at that time. We are so happy to have a happy healthy boy with us today a whole year later. He has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives and I know he will continue to do that every day.

Due to the rainy day, we spent the day just hanging out and playing. That evening, we went to dinner with our family and Evan got to enjoy his 1st birthday cake. He loved it! I can't wait for the party on Sunday so he can dig in again. Here are some pics from Wednesday and I'll post more after the party on Sunday.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11 months old!!! Where has this year gone!

I can't believe we only have 1 more month and our baby boy will be 1! Where has this past year gone? I know it is because this past year has been such a whirlwind for all of us. With moving, a new baby and many new changes, it seems we blinked and this year was over. He still makes us smile each day and can brighten your day when you don't think it could get any worse! We can't wait to celebrate his 1st birthday and the plans are already in the works. This next month will fly by like the rest and before we know it, Christmas will be here! We are just trying to enjoy and savour every moment! Here are some 11 month pics I took last week.

Also wanted to share this quote that I stole from facebook for all the mom's out there:

Before I was a mom. I never learned the words to a lullaby. I never thought about immunizations, I had never been puked on, pooped on, drooled on,chewed on, or peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin. I never sat up for hours watching a baby sleep. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldnt stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a mom. Before I was a mom I didnt know the feeling of having my heart outside of my body.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Just Monkeying Around!

So Evan got to enjoy his 1st Halloween. He looked so cute in his Halloween costume if I do say so myself. He really enjoyed helping Daddy carve the pumpkin and digging out all the yucky stuff. At first he wasn't so sure but he warmed up to it real quick. We took him trick or treating in our neighborhood and he really racked up! There were only a few houses doing trick or treating but they loaded up Evan's bags because most of them had only had him come by so far. So Daddy and I will have lots of chocolate to eat for a while. Too bad he can't enjoy it, but Aunt Michelle, Uncle Ron and Alex brought him some Goldfish and those are his favorite. So he'll enjoy those for now. We finished Halloween night watching the Gamecocks and that didn't go so well. So we just hung out and Evan and Landen played! It was a wonderful 1st Halloween and we look forward to a lot more firsts.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall is here!

Sorry its been so long since my last post but we have been so busy! The past few weeks have been filled with Gamecock football and lots of firsts. So far we have been able to attend all the home games, thanks to our wonderful babysitters! And we got to have everyone over to our house to enjoy the Alabama game. So needless to say our time has been consumed by football lately. I'm glad for few weeks off before we have another home game. We all need a weekend at home!

We also got to take Evan to his 1st State Fair last Thursday! He had a blast! He loves animals and when Daddy makes animal sounds so that was his favorite part. They had a petting zoo and he really enjoyed getting to see all the animals he loves up close. He also enjoyed all the people watching! I'm telling you he is going to be such a people person. It was hard to get him to pay us any attention with all the music, lights and people! It was nice to get to do something fun as a family! We can't wait for him to be able to ride the rides, he is going to love it.

Evan is still not walking but defintely very close. He is standing on his own and scooting around everywhere. I'm giving it a few weeks and we will be in trouble! We went to Landen's 1st birthday on Sunday at the park and it was so much fun. Evan really enjoyed all the slides and fun ride on toys! It's so hard to believe our children are already a year old. I can't believe it! They grow up way too fast for me! I will definitely post again after Halloween! I can't wait to see Evan in his monkey costume.